You’re Invited to a Conversation about Arctic NWR

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of our nation’s most majestic public lands, home to the Porcupine Caribou Herd, denning polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, and nearly 200 species of migratory birds. Its biological heart, the coastal plain, is no place for oil and gas development. 
As goes that Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, could go any refuge. Joining the effort to protect the Arctic Refuge, in turn prepares refuge advocates to protect their local refuge.  The National Wildlife Refuge Association is hosting a series of conversations designed to educate and engage refuge friends groups through an online discussion.  Please join Kristen Berry for a one hour online discussion to learn how you can help. 
We are offering several sessions that you and other refuge advocates can join in order to get the latest information and support in finding out the best ways you can contribute your voice to the effort to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. These will be small, intimate groups where you can ask questions and learn how you can join the fight.
To register go to: REGISTRATION CLOSED

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