Federal Duck Stamp at Work

Federal Duck Stamp showing 3 Canada geese flyingEarlier this month the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission approved the acquisition of 419 acres on three national wildlife refuges. The funds used for these procurement come from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps. The Duck Stamp Act requires anyone 16 or older to purchase a Stamp for waterfowl hunting. But you don’t have to be a waterfowl hunter to purchase a Federal Duck Stamp!

The refuges receiving funds are:

  • Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge in Missouri – $532,000 for 197 acres. The project will protect waterfowl breeding and stopover habitat and provide public opportunities for wildlife-dependent outdoor recreation, including hunting, fishing and wildlife observation and photography, in the urban St. Louis Metropolitan Area.

  • Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota – $176,000 for 160 acres. The project will protect wetlands that provide habitat for dabbling and diving duck species, and protect grasslands that provide habitat for upland-nesting duck species, including mallards, blue-winged teal and gadwalls, as well as other migratory birds. The project will provide public opportunities for wildlife-dependent recreation, including hunting and wildlife observation.

  • Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge in Connecticut – $250,000 for 62 acres. The project will protect habitat for waterfowl, including American black ducks and wood ducks, as well as for wading birds and other migratory birds, and provide public opportunities for wildlife-dependent recreation, including hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, and environmental education and interpretation. 1

Federal Duck Stamps are available online, in post offices, and in many sporting goods and large-scale retail stores that sell hunting and fishing licenses and equipment. Check your local refuge to see if they sell Federal Duck Stamps, as well. The Stamp is also available from Amplex Corporation and if you are interested in selling Federal Duck Stamps they are the organization to contact.

1 Trump Administration Announces More Than $130 Million in Public-Private Funding for Wetland Conservation Projects, FWS News, September 10, 2020

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