2023 Chat with the Chief:Refuge System’s Strategies & Funding

Webinar Description

Cynthia Martinez, Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System discussed with Friends:

  • National Wildlife Refuge System funding
  • Strategy for communicating with Congress
  • Climate change and resiliency activities
  • Other updates for Friends Groups

Webinar Recording (6-28-2023)


A huge thank you to our very knowledgeable presenters, Cynthia Martinez, Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System; Linh Phu,  Chief of Visitor Services & Communications, and Eric Alvarez,  Chief of Realty, Budget, Performance, and Workforce.

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Why Refuges/Hatcheries Matter:Crafting your Message

  • Post category:Advocacy Webinars
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Webinar Description

hank you for attending our latest webinar, Why Refuges/Hatcheries Matter: Crafting your Message. As promised, below are links to the recording and other materials from and mentioned during the webinar.

This was the first of a series of upcoming webinars on how to craft your message effectively. In this webinar, we reviewed the recently shared stories of staffing impacts towards building a message to gain support for your local refuge or hatchery. Friends discussed how to make an impactful message for a targeted audience. In upcoming webinars (May and June), you will learn to develop and distribute your message using a variety of traditional templates as well as social media and visual aids (multimedia) to help make your message more impactful. 

Recording and Slides (Apr. 12, 2023)

Additional Resources

Continue ReadingWhy Refuges/Hatcheries Matter:Crafting your Message