USFWS Collection of Information from Friends

In the Federal Register there is a notice by the US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding information collection activities related to the Friends Partnership Agreement. This notice was posted on 9/25/2023.
The notice states, “In September 2020, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of the Interior (DOI) delivered its final audit report of the Service’s Friends Program. The audit outlined six recommendations, including a requirement for Friends group to report related data to the Service on a regular basis. In order to collect this information legally, we must complete the Information Collection Clearance process.”
To review the notice and see how to submit your comments go to: Federal Register: Agency Information Collection Activities; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agreements with Friends Organizations.
Your comments must be submitted on or before November 24, 2023.
Should you have comments or questions that you want to share with the Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates please send them to We will work getting clarification and explanations.