Friends' Resource Center

These materials are intended for general reference only with the understanding that the Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service.

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The Power of Having Your Members of Congress Visit Your Site

Webinar Description

Friends do many things to show support for their refuge or hatchery but perhaps few can have as much impact on budget and advocacy as having your Members of Congress and/or their aides visit your refuge or hatchery. This webinar is a discussion of why it’s important for your Members of Congress to see your site, how to invite them, what they want to see and know,

A huge thank you to our very knowledgeable presenters:

  • Joann Van Aken, Executive Director, International Wildlife Refuge Alliance in Michigan
  • Libby Marking, Director of Government Affairs & Public Policy, National Wildlife Refuge Assoc

Webinar Recording and Slides (07-20-22)

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