Getting Your Member of Congress to Your Refuge/Hatchery
Congress’ summer recess is fast approaching and Friends we thought this Infographic would be a fun way to remember the basic steps for connecting with your members of Congress. Getting your lawmakers or their staff to your site is the most effective way to get them to actively support your refuge or hatchery.
Friends, if you need additional information on connecting with and educating your members of Congress go to our Resource Center tab to help you and our Facebook group is a great way to ask questions and hear from other Friends around the country.
This Infographic is for ADVOCACY purposes only. What’s advocacy? Simply actively supporting your site and trying to get others to also support it. Lobbying is asking for a lawmaker or their staff to take specific action on legislation such as the Federal budget. Friends can not lobby on USFWS managed sites.
The Infographic was created through a partnership with Coastal Refuges, the trade name of Friends of the Savannah Coastal Wildlife Refuges. The original illustrations were done by Ronni Ochoa and the Infographic was created by Matthew Emmer.
If you haven’t invited your members of Congress to your site, please do so. As Volunteer Vinnie states, ”Connecting with members of Congress is not as scary as it sounds and can be a lot of fun!”
Friends, we thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and commitment to these wonderful places that help conserve America’s wildlife.
Joan Patterson
Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates