FWS Policies Affecting Friends
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has numerous policies that provide guidance and administrative procedures for FWS employees partnering with Friends organizations. These policies are the bases for the Friends Partnership Agreement and affect the roles and responsibilities of the partners.
CORFA has compiled a list of the policies we are aware of and suggest Friends board members review them to enhance your knowledge of the policies guide FWS employees.
- Draft Friends Policy 2021
Second draft of the Friends policy including the Friends Partnership Agreement - 633 FW 1-4, Friends Policy
The policy provides guidance to FWS employees working with Friends - 212 FW 8, Donations, Fundraising, and Solicitation
FWS policy for accepting, using and recognizing donations - 041 FW 2, Emblems
Establishes policies and procedure for use of FWS logo - 605 FW 1, Section 1.14, Wildlife-Dependent Recreation
Overarching guidance on visitor standards on refuges - 605 FW 7, Interpretation
Overarching guidance on interpretation programs
Authority for FWS to work with Friends groups:
- Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956
- Refuge Recreation Act of 1962
- The Anadromous Fish Conservation Act
- The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934
- National Wildlife Refuge System Volunteer and Community Partnership Enhancement Act
- National Fish Hatchery System Volunteer Act of 2006
- National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1997
- Lobbying with appropriated moneys