Do you know about the Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus?
The 118th Congress has reconstituted the bipartisan Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus in the House of Representatives. This is a group of Representatives who have come together to support adequate funding for refuges and promoting strategic growth through easements and targeted land acquisition and advocating for legislation to improve the Refuge System. The Caucus also aims to educate members of Congress about the increasing number of challenges facing the System through briefings and other forms of outreach.

Members of the Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus work towards:
- Ensuring the Refuge System is preserved for future generations.
- Advocating for adequate funding.
- Promoting beneficial legislation.
- Supporting strategic growth.
- Educating other members of Congress.
Your help is needed to grow this group and increase its influence in Congress to get the resources the Refuge System needs to ensure there is the habitat needed for America’s wildlife and people.
Take Action
Check to see if your member of Congress is a member of the Caucus. The National Wildlife Refuge Association has a list of members and more information on the Caucus.
If your Representative is on the list, please pick up the phone and thank them.
If not, act: call your Representative and encourage them to join the Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus.
To find their phone number go to
Urge your Representative to join the Caucus by contacting Caucus Co-chairs Congressman Mike Thompson’s office or Congressman Rob Wittman’s office. This task should only take about five minutes.
We thank you for your help growing the Congressional Refuge Caucus.
Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates
National Wildlife Refuge Association
Photo credit: Krista Lundgren/USFWS